
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sherifview Journal August-25-2011 American Ingratitude towards Barack Obama

The American voters are not the most smartest when it comes to elections. In particular only in the time of crises they vote for a Democrat to rescue them from a collapsing economy. Just the case for Barack Obama they elected him and gave the Democratic party super majority in the congress house of representatives. Things looked very bleak then with corporations suffering and announcing huge losses and drastic loss of revenues. All this had changed under Barack Obama and the large American corporations along others are shining with record earnings and revenus. Then in 2010 the American people gave the Democratic party, after it have accomplished fete and rescue the economy and auto industry to single one of the major pillars of the American economy, they gave the party big kick in the rear and the Republican great prize with historic house of reprsentaive super-super majority sweep stake.
Now some polls like Gallup point to decline in Barack Obama approval rating. Actually there is more disapproval than approval.
Now this shows great ingratitude.
Only if the Republicans mess again where they have good history of just exact that, then the American voters will have cry baby and bring the Deomcrats back.
What vicious cycle?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sherifview Journal August 21-2011 The Social Security Taxes Should be Raised

"For decades the payroll tax generated more revenue than the Social Security paid out in benefits. The excess was used to fund other government operations.
". Last year, however, Social Security benefits began outstripping revenue from its designated sources, forcing the program to start tapping its "trust fund" of government obligations.
This nonsense should stopped. No more relief nonsense. Barack Obama should stop diluting the Social Security tax revenue by giving relief of paying all the amount due of 6.1% by employees.
Total nonsense.

As part of a bipartisan spending deal last December, Congress approved Obama's request to reduce the workers' share to 4.2 percent for one year; employers' rate did not change. Obama wants Congress to extend the reduction for an additional year. If not, the rate will return to 6.2 percent on Jan. 1.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sherifview Journal August 18: $250 Voucher for Seniors on Social Security

President Barack Obama Neeeds to have a $250 Voucher for all seniors on scocial security with income less than $50,000 for single and $100,000 per couple. For seniors with income above that the voucher to be pro-rated with minimum voucher of $50 for above that.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sherifview Journal August 17: The absence of Social Security Raise over Two-Years for Seniors By Fraudulent Cost of Living Index Hurt the Economy

A contributing factor to the present economic slugishness in the U.S. is there were no increase of social security payments due to criminal, bogus and fraudlent cost of living index. Such wicked decision and manipulation indeed limited the contributing purchasing power and spending by seniors. This translates into slowing economy by decreasing demands of goods due to the loss of expected purchasing power.

Barack Obama Plan

"According to senior administration officials, Obama will renew his call for Congress to extend a payroll tax cut -- a measure the White House says would encourage business to increase hiring but that economists say is likely to make little difference to an economy that is struggling".

Definitely this is foolish and will reduce the government tax revenue. How foolish. Any cut will go to higher salaries for the ones who currently are working. Bravo, how brilliant idea or foolish to be truthful.

Any tax cut for business is to hire someone who is cuuently unemployed fo0r certain amount of time. Other incentives may be to waive the companies contributions for social security for one year.

Stop the tax cut nonsense over-board.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sherifview Journal August 14: Obama Stuborn and Stupid War in Afghanistan

Every week hundreds of Afghanistani people are killed by the American troops. Still the Afghanistani people are accepting their huge losses of life in order to free their country from foreign occupation. If Obama thinks by such massive killing of Afghanistani people they will surrender he is mistaken. Looking through pages of history one realizes that people will fight for ever to get rid their country from foreign occupiers or invaders. In Algeria the French tried that and killed and tortured hundred of thousands of people. After so much sacrifice shed the Algerians lost three millions people. They kept their struggle and the French finally gave up and withdrew their troops and Algeria became free and proud country.
Obama should realize that and in addition his stubborn war policies can be a huge liability for him in the 2012 presidential elections.
Barack Obama has done nothing so far to seek of peace in the world to qualify him for receiving the looking forward Nobel Peace prize he so called won. Barack Obama is nothing different than others and his policies remained basically war, war and war.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sherifview Journal August 12 Jobs Problems Needs a Bold Approach for the Long Time Unemployed

The problem of high unemployment is based on the reluctance of many corporations of hiring the long time unemployed. New legislations are urged to create tax incentives and credits for those companies when they hire the log time or term unemployed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sherifview Journal August-10-2011 The American Politics in Great State of Confusion Grapping Power is the Game

When the state of the economy is in very critical situation and needs very focused attention the political fights in the country is great distraction and of no help at all. Grapping power by the Republicans is all their goal and the distruction of Obama is their great prize. Any faillure of Obama that may hurt the economy slightest is great news for the Republicans. The recent death of Republican ex-Senator Mark Hatfield bring to the attention that moderate Republicans are extinct like the Dinosaurs.
Here lies the problem the well entrenched Tea Party Republicans in the House and Senate will not budge an inch to ease the tension that exists now in the American political system. Great opportunities that will propel the economy from the ditch will be lost as a result.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sherifview Journal August 05-2011 Obama at 50 years old Still Ready to Roll

Barack Obama at nifty fifty is ready to roll the sleeve and be ready for the 2012 presidential Race.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sherifview Journal the Federal Debt Ceiling Agreement August-3-2011

The agreement to raise the Federal debt ceiling relieved lot of pain. The policy of brinkmanship is bad policy. The American people are to blame because they should have anticipated such crises when they handed the Republicans super-super majority in the house.
Obama did not stress over and over that he will not sacrifice the low and middle class regarding any cuts or dil

ution of Social Security and Medicare. At one time he seemed content to raise the minimum age eligibility of Medicare to 67 gradually so to cushion such severe blow to people. This was unacceptable and gross betrayal for lot of adversely affected people.
Miraculously so to speak any drastic measures regarding Social Security and Medicare were averted.
Obama should work hard to explain every thing to the American people and especially to the low and middle income seniors through town hall meetings.
Obama should have the courage to call for raising the social security and Medicare contributions deducted from the payrolls. Such approach is the only viable one to save the system before the baby boomers turn to be seniors who claim social security and Medicare benefits a’-mass.
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